Grandmother Pages

Gifts of Love

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Sock Granny "Everyone deserves warm feet.": Desperate Plight of Homeless Women

The Sock Granny "Everyone deserves warm feet.": Desperate Plight of Homeless Women: The Huffington Post artcle tells the dreadful story about homeless women For Homeless Women, Getting Their Period Is One Of The Most ... Please Donate these product to the homeless women
Please Donate these product to the homeless women

Please support Serene's passion to help homeless women by donating hygienic products at the Sock Granny Donation box @ Granville Island Starbucks.
8th & Main Clothing (both locations) 2403 Main St, Vancouver
1105 Granville Street, Vancouver

Monday, September 14, 2015

The 3rd Annual Sock Drive Goes Global news from the Sock Granny

The Sock Granny "Everyone deserves warm feet.": The 3rd Annual Sock Drive Goes Global: Support for Sock Granny's Sock Drive is growing everyday. Our 3rd annual Sock Drive is getting ready to start again October 1, 2015! ...
You can help by sharing this post and by giving socks to the homeless where you live. You are invited to share your sock charity story on Facebook Sock Granny. Like The Sock Granny on Facebook

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

Seniors Loving the Slow Lane: News from Our Birdwatching Group

Seniors Loving the Slow Lane: News from Our Birdwatching Group: Our little group of Seniors interested in following the birds on an international scale is growing so much that we had to move from th...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Whole Meal in One Recipe

Our everyday meals are always kept simple and fresh from our garden.

Whole Meal in One Recipe Postcard
Whole Meal in One Recipe Postcard by gramabarb
See other Recipe Postcards at zazzle

I am a big believer in eating seasonal fruit and buying local.

Frequent visits to local Farmers Markets is part of our summer routine.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Share a Popular Grandfather Poster

When you read the words you will want your Grandchildren to learn this lesson too.
Grandfather's Wisdom Poster
Grandfather's Wisdom Poster by gramabarb
Check out other Grandfather Posters at

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cookies at Grandma's House

If you have memories of visiting Grandma's house you probably have memories of those special homemade cookies she kept just for you.

My Grandmother always had a "melt in your mouth" shortbread cookie in her round cookie tin kept on the counter in her old fashioned kitchen where she had her cozy woodburning cookstove.
Orange Shortbread Recipe

My children's Granny (my Mom) always kept her large cookie jar full of Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies for her grandchildren.
Granny's Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

For my Grandchildren, I baked two favourites. #1 was Peanutbutter Cookies and #2 was my Mom's recipe Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.

Collectibles for your kitchen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Music Box Collection for Grandmother's

The vintage typewriter to the left is just like the one I learned to type on in High School. Now we call them vintage typewriters and you see them only in museums.
Does that make me "Vintage"? I suppose it does.
Before the beginning of the 21 century I had embraced my vintage-hood as a blessing and let my voice of the past be heard for the new generation to know their roots and values that never change.
I am constantly meeting Grandmothers who are also sharing family stories and history using modern technology on a daily basis to have their voices heard.
Vintage icons are now preserved in the form of wonderful Music Boxes that will entertain and educate for many more generations.

Grandparents are voices of the past that keep everyone grounded and have proven themselves to be survivors that has given everyone hope for the future.
"Vintage gets more valuable with age - embrace it!"

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 The BIG Year!

2015 will be my Big Year in Birding! Virtual Birding, that is.
So far my friends and I have visited four continents where they have Birdfeeder webcams so that we can watch the action of birds live.
You are welcome to follow us on our Blog called Curiosity for Birds