Who is GramaBarb?
GramaBarb has been a member of Squidoo since December 8 2005, has rated 3,646 lenses, favorited 3,267, and has created 295 lenses from scratch. This member's top-ranked page is "❤A Grandmother's Love❤". See all her lenses
As you scroll through my Squidoo lenses my hope is that you will enjoy the journey and learn something new along the way. I am a
Canadian Grandmother and have created all my lenses with families in mind. Every lens has been sprinkled with true
Grandmother's Love.At my Zazzle Store you will find a popular place to buy gifts
Zazzle Planet Earth Store Grandma's Door Always Swings In for Gift Shopping at
CafepressI twitter at least once or twice a day - follow me
http://twitter.com/gramabarb@gramabarb Vancouver, BC, Canada
Canadian senior and Grandma - I really believe that Grandmothers are voices of the past. Role models of the present.They open the doors to the future.
As of Jan 30, 2011 I have 1,099 followers - some of whom are Celebs.
I have my own Daily World News based on who I follow plus my own current twitter posts
You are welcome to subscribe for free
http://paper.li/gramabarbRemember GramaBarb's virtual door always swings in - visit me on Squidoo or Twitter.
When times were really hard - remember them
http://www.squidoo.com/the-great-depression-era---1930sRead the Gramabarb Daily World News
http://paper.li/gramabarb Posted via email from Grama Barb's Posterous Blog