Isn't it sad and shameful that we don't take care of our home (earth) better?
Look how we are attracted to water by reflecting on our precious resource as you look at these photographs.I am featuring this photo first because it sets the theme as to how we should all feelWorrying for Water by EahauserWe love boating - think what a nightmare it would be if the water near you was cover with death-dealing oil?In the Archipelago by irenemariaFun events are often held on the water. What would this picture look like if the water was covered in oil?
Dragon Boat Races by brianneA beautiful scene of the beach - would you sit there if there were oil covered waterfowl on the beach?
Beach by Night by irenemariaCoffee at the Lake by AuriFinIsn't if wonderful to see a clean beach of pebbles and rocks?
At the Ocean by AuriFinThank you for visiting. Thank you for caring.All my Photo A Day Marathon pictures for 2010
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