Grandmother Pages

Gifts of Love

Monday, December 27, 2010

These are certified purple star pages

These are certified purple star lens. These pages have been handpicked by Squidoo's editors as the most remarkable pages on the entire site. So if you like ithem, blog them, share them with a friend, and know you're spreading the word about something really exceptional on the web.

Ducks, Geese and Swans

Did you know that families of geese do not break up after the breeding season, but form strong family units that migrate and winter together?
Learn more about Ducks, Geese and Swans

❤A Grandmother's Love❤

To all grandmothers, whose wisdom, courage and love have paved the path for future generations - we thank you!

The Great Depression Era - 1930s

A window onto a time that, for most of us, is hard to imagine.

"It's my sister's turn to eat," a hungry child tells her teacher.  What happened?

The Dust Bowl Years
" How the people of the time made it through without going mad is truly astonishing. It is to the survivors and their families that I humbly dedicate this video."
You can watch this video on this page -

So if you like these purple star pages please blog them and share them with a friend

Posted via email from Grama Barb's Posterous Blog

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